
Mulching experiment with Ecomat.

In discussion with David from EcoCover we laid down two rows of of EcoCover® Environmentally Friendly Weed Matting which is produced from waste paper that is removed from the landfill waste stream.

"The Weed Mat NZ products contain unique attributes that benefit the plant, soil and environment. The EcoCover fertiliser enriched Weed Mat is a cost-effective substitute for other mulch systems used in the horticultural, agricultural and land management industries. EcoCover Weed Matting is the world's most complete plant mulch.
EcoCover is one of the few Weed Mat Suppliers dedicated to providing products that help sustain the environment and follow the rules of the three pillars of sustainability.
EcoCover's patented Biodegradeable Weed Mat products build soil carbon levels, are organic, compostable and biodegradable, conserve water, reduce plant mortality, control weeds, promote plant and crop growth, moderate soil temperature, reduce soil erosion, sequester CO2, reduce plant losses, eliminate or reduce herbicide use, are a carrier of beneficial additives for the soil and save you money" (EcoCover website).

One of our rows was mowed very closely with the undervine mower after the sheep had been grazing in the vineyard over the winter and then the mat was laid down round the vines and pegged around each vine.
The second row was grazed by sheep all winter and then sprayed out with roundup prior to laying down the mat. We will follow its progress over the next weeks.


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